Volume 2, Article 5

International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 2, 5, 1-2

Book review: Coaching for Health: Why it works and how to do it 

Stephen Palmer

Citation: Palmer, S. (2018). Book review: Book review: Coaching for Health: Why it works and how to do it. International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 2, 5, 1-2. Retrieved from: https://www.stressprevention.net/volume/volume-2-2018/volume-2-article-5/

Volume 2, Article 5

Published on 21 December, 2018


Prof Stephen Palmer PhD is Director of the Centre for Stress Management, London. He is Professor of Practice, Wales Institute for Work Based Learning, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology at Aalborg University. He is the Honorary President of the International Stress Management Association and the International Society for Coaching Psychology. He has written and edited over 50 books including the Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Guide for Practitioners (with Whybrow, 2019) and Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice (with Green, 2018). He has published over 225 articles.
